Pathway Tools Installation Guide -- MySQL 5.7
Pathway Tools Installation Guide -- MySQL 5.7
MySQL server versions 8 and above are not currently supported
MySQL server versions prior to 5.7 are not supported by Pathway Tools v26.0 and greater
Pathway Tools server:
MySQL Server:
- Make sure that your version of MySQL supports the InnoDB storage engine.
- Create a database and a user account corresponding to the connection parameters
that you set up on the Pathway Tools server.
- Run the schema-creation script that came with your Pathway Tools distribution:
Example of how to run the script (the path and parameters used will be
different for your set-up, of course):
mysql -u paleocurator -p -h dinosaur paleo < aic-export/mysql/pgdb-schema.sql
- Increase the
max_allowed_packet server parameter to
256 M or greater in the my.cnf MySQL configuration file
- Set the
innodb_lock_wait_timeout server parameter to
1740 seconds or greater in the my.cnf MySQL configuration file