MicroArray Gene Expression (MAGE) Loader for BioWarehouse

Version 4.6

(C) 2006 SRI International. All Rights Reserved.  See BioWarehouse Overview for license details.

Installation and Building
MAGE Schema Generation
Schema Creation Algorithm
Loader Limitations
Documentation & References


This document describes the MAGE Loader. The loader loads microarray gene expression data in the form of MAGE-ML into the BioWarehouse.  MAGE and MAGE-ML are standards for gene expression data defined by the Microarray Gene Expression Data Society (MGED).  The MAGE standard is defined by an Object Model (OM).  The MAGE schema extension of the BioWarehouse is an algorithmic transformation of the OM into a relational database schema, described below.

Input data for the MAGE loader must be in the form of MAGE-ML (an XML file).  MAGE-ML data is available from a variety of sources.  (For example, the European Bioinformatics Institute's ArrayExpress public repository for microarray data at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress).  The loader will accept data from any source, provided the data is in the MAGE-ML format.  

Installation and Building

Please see the MAGE Loader installation instructions for details on installing, building, and running the loader.

MAGE Schema Generation

The MAGE BioWarehouse DB schema is generated from the MAGE Object Model (OM).  The schema generation algorithm follows the one table per class hierarchy approach to object-relational mapping. (See link for discussion of object-relational mapping strategies.)  Each top-level MAGE class (those classes which are at the root of an inheritance hierarchy, or those than directly extend the MAGE classes Extendable, Describable, and Identifiable) corresponds to one relational database table of the same name.  Classes that extend these base classes have their properties added as additional columns in the table.  Each table has a discriminator column ("MAGEClass") that indicates the specific name of the class that row in the table represents.  See also the the cross-referenced MAGE-to-BioWarehouse mapping documentation.  

For example, Parameterizable is a base class that extends Identifiable.  Three classes inherit from Parameterizable: Hardware, Protocol, and Software.  The table representing the Parameterizable class hierarchy includes the following columns representing the four classes' attributes and associations to other MAGE classes:

(This is an abbreviated table description.  See schema documentation for full description of this table.)

Table Parameterizable

Column Description
WID Warehouse identifier
MAGEClass MAGE class that this row in the table represents
name Represents MAGE class attribute: Identifiable.name
URI Represents MAGE class attribute: Parameterizable.URI
model Represents MAGE class attribute: Hardware.model
make Represents MAGE class attribute: Hardware.make
text Represents MAGE class attribute: Protocol.text
title Represents MAGE class attribute: Protocol.title
Protocol_type Represents MAGE Association: Type{3B72CBE201C8}
This association is a 1..1 association between OntologyEntry and Protocol
[type] OntologyEntry 0..1
[] Protocol 1..1
The type of a Protocol, a user should provide/use a recommended vocabulary. Examples of types include: RNA extraction, array washing, etc...
hardware Represents MAGE Association: Software2Hardware{3B041BB50345}
This association is a 1..n association between Hardware and Software
[hardware] Hardware 0..1
[softwares] Software 0..n
Associates Hardware and Software together.
Software_type Represents MAGE Association: Type{3B72CBE600B5}
This association is a 1..1 association between OntologyEntry and Software
[type] OntologyEntry 0..1
[] Software 1..1
The type of a piece of Software. Examples include: feature extractor...
Hardware_type Represents MAGE Association: Type{3B72CBDF0259}
This association is a 1..1 association between OntologyEntry and Hardware
[type] OntologyEntry 0..1
[] Hardware 1..1
The type of a piece of Hardware. Examples include: scanner, wash station...
DataSetWID DataSet.WID this entity is associated with

Schema creation algorithm

Loader Limitations

Documentation & References