Table Index


Associates an enzymatic reaction to the compounds that act as
inhibitors and activators for the reaction.
The mechanism of action is encoded in the Mechanism column.


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
EnzymaticReactionWID BIGINT NUMBER No EnzymaticReaction.WID of the Enzymatic Reaction
CompoundWID BIGINT NUMBER No Chemical.WID or Protein.WID of the compound
InhibitOrActivate CHAR(1) CHAR(1) Yes Specifies whether the compound is an inhibitor or an activator.

Enumerated Values:
I - Specifies a compound that inhibits an enzyme.
A - Specifies a compound that activates an enzyme.
Mechanism CHAR(1) CHAR(1) Yes Mechanism of inhibition or activation.

Enumerated Values:
A - The mechanism of inhibition or activation is allosteric.
I - The mechanism of inhibition or activation is irreversible.
C - The mechanism of inhibition or activation is competitive.
N - The mechanism of inhibition or activation is neither allosteric nor competitive.
O - The mechanism of inhibition or activation is known but not in this controlled vocabulary.
U - The mechanism of inhibition or activation is unknown.
PhysioRelevant CHAR(1) CHAR(1) Yes 'T' if physiologically relevant, else 'F'

Denormalized References

Column References
CompoundWID Chemical : WID
CompoundWID Protein : WID

Referenced By


Other Constraints



Name Columns
ERIA_MECH Mechanism