Table Index


Represents MAGE Class MismatchInformation
Describes how a reporter varies from its ReporterCharacteristics sequence(s) or how a Feature varies from its Reporter sequence.


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
WID BIGINT NUMBER No Warehouse identifier for this entity
DataSetWID BIGINT NUMBER No Reference to the data set from which the entity came from
CompositePosition BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..n association between CompositePosition and MismatchInformation
Differences in how the contained compositeSequence matches its target compositeSequence's sequence.
FeatureInformation BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..n association between FeatureInformation and MismatchInformation
Differences in how the feature matches the reporter's sequence, typical examples is the Affymetrix probe pair where one of the features is printed with a mismatch to the other feature's perfect match.
StartCoord SMALLINT NUMBER Yes MAGE attribute MismatchInformation.startCoord
Offset into the sequence that the mismatch occurs.
NewSequence VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute MismatchInformation.newSequence
The sequence that replaces the specified sequence starting at start_coord.
ReplacedLength SMALLINT NUMBER Yes MAGE attribute MismatchInformation.replacedLength
Length of the original sequence that is replaced. A deletion is specified when the length of the newSequence is less than the replacedLength.
ReporterPosition BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..n association between ReporterPosition and MismatchInformation
Differences in how the reporter matches its compositeSequence's sequence.

Referenced By


Other Constraints



Name Columns
MismatchInformation1 DataSetWID
MismatchInformation2 CompositePosition
MismatchInformation3 FeatureInformation
MismatchInformation4 StartCoord
MismatchInformation5 NewSequence
MismatchInformation6 ReplacedLength
MismatchInformation7 ReporterPosition