Table Index


Table whose rows define each dataset currently loaded into the warehouse.


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
WID BIGINT NUMBER No Warehouse identifier for this entry.
Name VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) No Name of the database.
Version VARCHAR VARCHAR2(50) Yes Version of the database described by this warehouse dataset; in practice, this can be populated
with whatever the user chooses to put in it from the command line arguments
ReleaseDate DATETIME DATE Yes Date that the original database was first released.
LoadDate DATETIME DATE No Date that the load of this data set into the warehouse began.
ChangeDate DATETIME DATE Yes Date of the last change to this dataset, or the date the load
completed if no changes have occurred. NULL means that the
is currently loading, or a fatal error occurred on the load.
NOTE: This feature is not supported by most loaders until version 4.0.
HomeURL VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes Web address of the home page of the original database.
QueryURL VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes A URL at which we can retrieve objects in this database via the WWW
by substituting the unique ID of the object we wish to retrieve for the
string "%s" in the query URL. An example URL is:
LoadedBy VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes The name (or username) of the person who loaded this dataset.
NOTE: This feature is not supported by most loaders until
version 4.0. At that time, this column should be required.
Application VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes The name of the application that created this dataset.
NOTE: This feature is not supported by most loaders until
version 4.0. At that time, this column should be required.
ApplicationVersion VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes The version of the application that created this dataset.
NOTE: This feature is not supported by most loaders until
version 4.0. At that time, this column should be required.

Referenced By

Table Column
DataSetHierarchy SuperWID
DataSetHierarchy SubWID
Entry DatasetWID
LightSource DataSetWID
FlowCytometrySample DataSetWID
FlowCytometryProbe DataSetWID
TranscriptionUnit DataSetWID
Chemical DataSetWID
Reaction DataSetWID
Interaction DataSetWID
Protein DataSetWID
Feature DataSetWID
Function DataSetWID
EnzymaticReaction DataSetWID
GeneticCode DataSetWID
Division DataSetWID
Taxon DataSetWID
BioSource DataSetWID
BioSubtype DataSetWID
NucleicAcid DataSetWID
Subsequence DataSetWID
Gene DataSetWID
Pathway DataSetWID
Computation DataSetWID
Citation DataSetWID
Experiment DataSetWID
ExperimentData DataSetWID
GelLocation DatasetWID
Spot DatasetWID
SpotIdMethod DatasetWID
NameValueType DataSetWID
Contact DataSetWID
ArrayDesign DataSetWID
DesignElementGroup DataSetWID
Zone DataSetWID
ZoneGroup DataSetWID
ZoneLayout DataSetWID
ExperimentDesign DataSetWID
ExperimentalFactor DataSetWID
FactorValue DataSetWID
QuantitationType DataSetWID
Database_ DataSetWID
Array_ DataSetWID
ArrayGroup DataSetWID
ArrayManufacture DataSetWID
ArrayManufactureDeviation DataSetWID
FeatureDefect DataSetWID
Fiducial DataSetWID
ManufactureLIMS DataSetWID
PositionDelta DataSetWID
ZoneDefect DataSetWID
SeqFeatureLocation DataSetWID
SequencePosition DataSetWID
DesignElement DataSetWID
FeatureInformation DataSetWID
FeatureLocation DataSetWID
MismatchInformation DataSetWID
Position_ DataSetWID
BioEvent DataSetWID
BioAssayData DataSetWID
BioAssayDimension DataSetWID
BioAssayMapping DataSetWID
BioAssayTuple DataSetWID
BioDataValues DataSetWID
DataExternal DataSetWID
DataInternal DataSetWID
Datum DataSetWID
DesignElementDimension DataSetWID
DesignElementMapping DataSetWID
DesignElementTuple DataSetWID
QuantitationTypeDimension DataSetWID
QuantitationTypeMapping DataSetWID
QuantitationTypeTuple DataSetWID
BioMaterialMeasurement DataSetWID
CompoundMeasurement DataSetWID
BioAssay DataSetWID
Channel DataSetWID
Image DataSetWID
BioAssayDataCluster DataSetWID
Node DataSetWID
NodeContents DataSetWID
NodeValue DataSetWID
Measurement DataSetWID
Unit DataSetWID
Parameter DataSetWID
ParameterValue DataSetWID
Parameterizable DataSetWID
ParameterizableApplication DataSetWID

Other Constraints



Name Columns
DATASET_NAME_Version Name,Version