Table Index


Represents MAGE Class NodeContents
The contents of a node for any or all of the three Dimensions. If a node only contained genes just the DesignElementDimension would be defined.


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
WID BIGINT NUMBER No Warehouse identifier for this entity
DataSetWID BIGINT NUMBER No Reference to the data set from which the entity came from
Node_NodeContents BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..n association between Node and NodeContents
The contents of the node, expressed as either a one, two or three dimensional object.
BioAssayDimension BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between NodeContents and BioAssayDimension
The relevant BioAssays for this NodeContents from the BioAssayData.
DesignElementDimension BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between NodeContents and DesignElementDimension
The relevant DesignElements for this NodeContents from the BioAssayData.
QuantitationDimension BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between NodeContents and QuantitationTypeDimension
The relevant QuantitationTypes for this NodeContents from the BioAssayData.

Referenced By


Other Constraints



Name Columns
NodeContents1 DataSetWID
NodeContents2 Node_NodeContents
NodeContents3 BioAssayDimension
NodeContents4 DesignElementDimension
NodeContents5 QuantitationDimension