Table Index


Represents MAGE Class ZoneGroup
Specifies a repeating area on an array. This is useful for printing when the same pattern is repeated in a regular fashion.


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
WID BIGINT NUMBER No Warehouse identifier for this entity
DataSetWID BIGINT NUMBER No Reference to the data set from which the entity came from
PhysicalArrayDesign_ZoneGroups BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..n association between PhysicalArrayDesign and ZoneGroup
In the case where the array design is specified by one or more zones, allows specifying where those zones are located.
SpacingsBetweenZonesX FLOAT NUMBER Yes MAGE attribute ZoneGroup.spacingsBetweenZonesX
Spacing between zones, if applicable.
SpacingsBetweenZonesY FLOAT NUMBER Yes MAGE attribute ZoneGroup.spacingsBetweenZonesY
Spacing between zones, if applicable.
ZonesPerX SMALLINT NUMBER Yes MAGE attribute ZoneGroup.zonesPerX
The number of zones on the x-axis.
ZonesPerY SMALLINT NUMBER Yes MAGE attribute ZoneGroup.zonesPerY
The number of zones on the y-axis.
ZoneGroup_DistanceUnit BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..1 association between ZoneGroup and DistanceUnit
Unit for the ZoneGroup attributes.
ZoneGroup_ZoneLayout BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..1 association between ZoneGroup and ZoneLayout
Describes the rectangular layout of features in the array design.

Referenced By

Table Column
Zone ZoneGroup_ZoneLocations

Other Constraints



Name Columns
ZoneGroup1 DataSetWID
ZoneGroup2 PhysicalArrayDesign_ZoneGroups
ZoneGroup3 SpacingsBetweenZonesX
ZoneGroup4 SpacingsBetweenZonesY
ZoneGroup5 ZonesPerX
ZoneGroup6 ZonesPerY
ZoneGroup7 ZoneGroup_DistanceUnit
ZoneGroup8 ZoneGroup_ZoneLayout