Table Index


Specifies a relationship between one data entity and an experiment in which it was recorded as an observation or used in some other fashion.

Used in flow cytometry to represent both observations and filter wavelengths.
For an observation:
ExperimentData.Data contains the vector of observations
ExperimentData.MageData = NULL
ExperimentData.OtherWID = the FlowCytometrySample.WID of the sample,
ExperimentData.Role defines the reading ('forward scatter', 'side scatter', or 'filter'),
ExperimentData.Type = 'flow cytometry',
ExperimentData.Kind = 'O' (observation)
For a filter wavelength:
ExperimentData.Data = NULL
ExperimentData.MageData references a ParameterValue row for the wavelength
ExperimentData.Role = 'filter wavelength'
ExperimentData.Kind = 'P' (parameter)
ExperimentData.OtherWID = the ExperimentData.WID of the observation,


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
WID BIGINT NUMBER No Warehouse identifier for this entity
ExperimentWID BIGINT NUMBER No Experiment entity
Data LONGTEXT CLOB Yes Data associated with experiment, in an unspecified format. May be specified instead of or along with MageData.
MageData BIGINT NUMBER Yes Data associated with experiment using MAGE structure. May be specified instead of or along with Data.
Role VARCHAR VARCHAR2(50) No Describes how data is used in experiment
ex: 'green intensity', 'forward scatter', 'filter wavelength'
Kind CHAR(1) CHAR(1) No Characterizes relationship of data to experiment

Enumerated Values:
O - Data is an observation
C - Data is computed from an observation
P - Data is a parameter to a procedure or compuatation
M - Data is metadata describing other data
DateProduced DATETIME DATE Yes When the observation was taken, the computation was performed, etc.
OtherWID BIGINT NUMBER Yes WID of entity this experiment data is associated with. If Kind='O', it is typically the sample or specimen being observed. If Kind='P', it is typically another ExperimentData or ParameterizableApplication that is parameterized by this entity.
DataSetWID BIGINT NUMBER No The data set this entity came from or is associated with

Referenced By

Table Column
RelatedTerm OtherWID
CitationWIDOtherWID OtherWID
CommentTable OtherWID
CrossReference OtherWID
CrossReference CrossWID
Description OtherWID
SynonymTable OtherWID
ToolAdvice OtherWID

Other Constraints



Name Columns
EXPDATA_ExperimentWID ExperimentWID
EXPDATA_MageData MageData