Table Index


Associates a warehouse entity with the identifier(s) used for that entity in its
source dataset. For example, if a protein is loaded from SwissProt into the
warehouse, this table can be used to store the SwissProt accession numbers for
the protein.
Restrictions: DBID only stores keys that point to uniquely identified objects in the referenced database.


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
OtherWID BIGINT NUMBER No Reference to the warehouse entity uniquely identified by this entry
XID VARCHAR VARCHAR2(150) No Unique identifier used in dataset of entity
Type VARCHAR VARCHAR2(20) Yes Enumeration: Describes the types of identifiers stored in XID, namely 'GUID' or 'Accession': GUIDs: ID's of type GUID (Globally Unique ID) are associated with database objects with one or more invariant aspects, such as a specific DNA sequence. If the invariant aspect of the database object is to change, a new GUID is assigned, and the old GUID is retired. Example: NCBI GI numbers. Accession: Database objects associated with IDs of type 'Accession' (for Accession Numbers) can change, but the Accession Number remains the same. Accession Numbers are often associated with a Version number to reflect such changes. Example: Swiss-Prot's Primary Accession Number See Enumeration table for further details.

Enumerated Values:
Accession - Type of XID is an accession number (not guaranteed to be unique across datasets)
GUID - Type of XID is a global unique identifier (guaranteed to be unique across datasets for a given database provider)
Version VARCHAR VARCHAR2(10) Yes Further qualifies the values of identifiers stored in XID by storing the version number of the identifier for datasets that support multiple instances of the same object. For example, NCBI Accession Numbers are associated with a version number, which are REQUIRED for complete identification (w/o such, different records can have the same accession number, albeit with different version numbers)

Denormalized References

Column References
OtherWID Chemical : WID
OtherWID Reaction : WID
OtherWID Protein : WID
OtherWID Feature : WID
OtherWID Function : WID
OtherWID EnzymaticReaction : WID
OtherWID GeneticCode : WID
OtherWID Division : WID
OtherWID Taxon : WID
OtherWID BioSource : WID
OtherWID BioSubtype : WID
OtherWID NucleicAcid : WID
OtherWID Subsequence : WID
OtherWID Gene : WID
OtherWID Pathway : WID
OtherWID Term : WID
OtherWID Computation : WID
OtherWID Citation : WID
OtherWID Contact : WID
OtherWID Archive : WID
OtherWID Experiment : WID
OtherWID ExperimentData : WID
OtherWID Support : WID
OtherWID Spot : WID

Referenced By


Other Constraints



Name Columns