Table Index


Describes the location of a spot on a gel.
This tables maps spots to the one or more tables that they are found on.
Describes the X and Y coordinates on the Gel.
Information for the particular gel conditions that the spot was identified
on can be found in the Experiment table.


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
WID BIGINT NUMBER No Warehouse identifier for this entity
SpotWID BIGINT NUMBER No The location record is for this spot.
Xcoord FLOAT NUMBER Yes The x-coordinate of the spot on the gel.
Ycoord FLOAT NUMBER Yes The y-coordinate of the spot on the gel.
refGel VARCHAR VARCHAR2(1) Yes Y or N.
A spot can be identified across multiple gels, so this columnn.
is used to indicate whether the X/Y coords of this particular gel was used to
determine the molecular weight and isolectric point for the spot.
ExperimentWID BIGINT NUMBER No Experiment entity
Describes the gel conditions for this particular record.
DatasetWID BIGINT NUMBER No The dataset the entity is from

Referenced By


Other Constraints


