Table Index


Describes a spot from a 2D Gel experiment.
A spot can be linked to one or more gels and the location on the gel. The
gel location information is stored in the ExperimentData table.
A spot can be identified to be a particluar protein in the protein table
and is associated to proteins via the ProteinWIDSpotWID table
The method used to identify the spot is contained in the SpotWIDSpotIDMethodWID
table and the SpotIDMethod table.
The growth conditions for the protein is found in the ExperimentData tableeh
The Spot Name/ID goes into the SpotId row, but additional names can be stored
as DBID table entry.


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
WID BIGINT NUMBER No Warehouse identifier for this entity
SpotId VARCHAR VARCHAR2(25) Yes Name of the spot
Can be null
MolecularWeightEst FLOAT NUMBER Yes Molecular weight estimated from migration on 2D gels.
Units: Daltons.
PIEst VARCHAR VARCHAR2(50) Yes Isoelectric point (pI) estimated from migration on 2D gels.
DatasetWID BIGINT NUMBER No The dataset the entity is from

Referenced By

Table Column
GelLocation SpotWID
ProteinWIDSpotWID SpotWID
SpotWIDSpotIdMethodWID SpotWID

Other Constraints


