Table Index


Describes the source and strength of evidence for individual facts in the warehouse.
This table is designed to allow different types of evidential support to be asserted for
different types of database assertions, such as using one set of evidence types for supporting
assertions about protein function, and another, possibly overlapping set of evidence types
for supporting assertions about protein existence.
Example use: Record that there are two sources of support for the function of a given
protein, one computational and one experimental. This table has a WID for use in the
CitationWIDOtherWID table.


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
WID BIGINT NUMBER No WID of this support
OtherWID BIGINT NUMBER No WID of supported entity, e.g. Protein Function
Type VARCHAR VARCHAR2(100) Yes Type: Identifies the type of assertion that this row pertains to.

Enumerated Values:
protein function - The evidence supports protein function
protein existence - The evidence supports protein existence
EvidenceType VARCHAR VARCHAR2(100) Yes EvidenceType: Defines the type of evidential support that this row pertains to.

Enumerated Values:
computational - Valid when type is 'protein function'. Protein function is supported by a computational prediction (example: existence of a gene could be supported by a gene-finding program).
experimental - Valid when type is 'protein function'. Protein function is supported by data from a wet-lab experiment (example: existence of a gene could be supported observation of the gene's mRNA product in a microarray experiment).
Evidence at protein level - Valid when type is 'protein existence'. Protein existence is supported by the evidences at protein level (e.g. clear identification by mass spectrometry).
Evidence at transcript level - Valid when type is 'protein existence'. Protein existence is supported by evidences at transcript level (e.g. Northern blot).
Inferred from homology - Valid when type is 'protein existence'. Protein existence is inferred by homology (strong sequence similarity to known proteins in related species).
Predicted - Valid when type is 'protein existence'. Protein existence is predicted
Uncertain - Valid when type is 'protein existence'. Protein existence is uncertain (e.g. dubious sequences that could be the erroneous translation of a pseudogene).
Confidence FLOAT NUMBER Yes 0 < confidence <= 1.
DataSetWID BIGINT NUMBER No The data set this entity came from or is associated with

Denormalized References

Column References
OtherWID Chemical : WID
OtherWID Element : WID
OtherWID Reaction : WID
OtherWID Protein : WID
OtherWID Feature : WID
OtherWID Function : WID
OtherWID EnzymaticReaction : WID
OtherWID Gene : WID
OtherWID BioSource : WID
OtherWID Pathway : WID
OtherWID NucleicAcid : WID
OtherWID Citation : WID

Referenced By

Table Column
Entry OtherWID
RelatedTerm OtherWID
CitationWIDOtherWID OtherWID
CommentTable OtherWID
CrossReference OtherWID
CrossReference CrossWID
Description OtherWID
SynonymTable OtherWID
ToolAdvice OtherWID

Other Constraints

CONSTRAINT CK_Support CHECK (Confidence > 0 AND Confidence <= 1)


Name Columns