Table Index


Defines a taxon, which could be a species, genus, family or some other rank.
These ranks are controlled vocabulary and are stored in the Enumeration table.
The taxon table associates a taxon with its parent, gives the name, division code and the
genetic code information for the taxon.


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
WID BIGINT NUMBER No Warehouse ID for this Taxon
ParentWID BIGINT NUMBER Yes Warehouse ID of the parent of this taxon
Name VARCHAR VARCHAR2(100) Yes Taxonomic Name of this taxon
Rank VARCHAR VARCHAR2(100) Yes Rank of this taxon (kingdom, superkingdom ..)

Enumerated Values:
no rank - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy databaseOrigin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: none
forma - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database.
varietas - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database
subspecies - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database Parent: species
species - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: species subgroup
species subgroup - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: species group
species group - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: subgenus
subgenus - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: genus
genus - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: subtribe
subtribe - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: tribe
tribe - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: subfamily
subfamily - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: family
family - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database Parent:superfamily
superfamily - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: infraorder
infraorder - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: parvorder
parvorder - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: suborder
suborder - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent:order
order - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database Parent:superorder
superorder - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: infraclass
infraclass - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: subclass
subclass - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database.Parent: class
class - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent:superclass
superclass - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: subphylum
subphylum - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: phylum.
phylum - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database.Parent:superphylum
superphylum - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent:kingdom
subkingdom - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: kingdom
kingdom - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent:superkingdom
superkingdom - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database. Parent: root
root - Origin:NCBI- Taxonomy database
DivisionWID BIGINT NUMBER Yes Warehouse ID of the division this taxon belongs to.
InheritedDivision CHAR(1) CHAR(1) Yes 'T' if division is inherited from parent, else 'F'
GencodeWID BIGINT NUMBER Yes Warehouse ID of the genetic code for this taxon.
InheritedGencode CHAR(1) CHAR(1) Yes 'T' if gencode is inherited from parent, else 'F'
MCGencodeWID BIGINT NUMBER Yes Warehouse ID of the mitochondrial genetic code for this taxon.
InheritedMCGencode CHAR(1) CHAR(1) Yes 'T' if the mitochondrial gencode is inherited from parent, else 'F'
DataSetWID BIGINT NUMBER No Reference to the data set from which the entity came from

Referenced By

Table Column
BioSource TaxonWID
Entry OtherWID
RelatedTerm OtherWID
CitationWIDOtherWID OtherWID
CommentTable OtherWID
CrossReference OtherWID
CrossReference CrossWID
Description OtherWID
SynonymTable OtherWID
ToolAdvice OtherWID

Other Constraints



Name Columns