Table Index


Represents MAGE Class BioEvent
An abstract class to capture the concept of an event (either in the laboratory or a computational analysis).
Includes MAGE Class CompositeCompositeMap
Includes MAGE Class FeatureReporterMap
Includes MAGE Class ReporterCompositeMap
Includes MAGE Class Map
Includes MAGE Class BioAssayMap
Includes MAGE Class DesignElementMap
Includes MAGE Class QuantitationTypeMap
Includes MAGE Class Transformation
Includes MAGE Class Treatment
Includes MAGE Class BioAssayCreation
Includes MAGE Class BioAssayTreatment
Includes MAGE Class FeatureExtraction
Includes MAGE Class Hybridization
Includes MAGE Class ImageAcquisition


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
WID BIGINT NUMBER No Warehouse identifier for this entity
DataSetWID BIGINT NUMBER No Reference to the data set from which the entity came from
MAGEClass VARCHAR VARCHAR2(100) No Discriminator column specifies type of object this row represents
Identifier VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Identifiable.identifier
An identifier is an unambiguous string that is unique within the scope (i.e. a document, a set of related documents, or a repository) of its use.
Name VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute
The potentially ambiguous common identifier.
CompositeSequence BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between CompositeCompositeMap and CompositeSequence
A map to the compositeSequences that compose this CompositeSequence.
Reporter BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between FeatureReporterMap and Reporter
Associates features with their reporter.
CompositeSequence2 BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between ReporterCompositeMap and CompositeSequence
A map to the reporters that compose this CompositeSequence.
BioAssayMapTarget BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between BioAssayMap and DerivedBioAssay
The DerivedBioAssay that is produced by the sources of the BioAssayMap.
TargetQuantitationType BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between QuantitationTypeMap and QuantitationType
The QuantitationType whose value will be produced from the values of the source QuantitationType according to the Protocol.
DerivedBioAssayDataTarget BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between Transformation and DerivedBioAssayData
The association between the DerivedBioAssayData and the Transformation event that produced it.
QuantitationTypeMapping BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..1 association between Transformation and QuantitationTypeMapping
The collection of mappings for the QuantitationTypes.
DesignElementMapping BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..1 association between Transformation and DesignElementMapping
The collection of mappings for the DesignElements.
Transformation_BioAssayMapping BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..1 association between Transformation and BioAssayMapping
The collection of mappings for the BioAssays.
BioMaterial_Treatments BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..n association between BioMaterial and Treatment
This association is one way from BioMaterial to Treatment. From this a BioMaterial can discover the amount and type of BioMaterial that was part of the treatment that produced it.
Order_ SMALLINT NUMBER Yes MAGE attribute Treatment.order
The chronological order in which a treatment occurred (in relation to other treatments). More than one treatment can have the same chronological order indicating that they happened (or were caused to happen) simultaneously.
Treatment_Action BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..1 association between Treatment and OntologyEntry
The event that occurred (e.g. grow, wait, add, etc...). The actions should be a recommended vocabulary
Treatment_ActionMeasurement BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..1 association between Treatment and Measurement
Measures events like duration, centrifuge speed, etc.
Array_ BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between BioAssayCreation and Array
The array used in the BioAssayCreation event.
PhysicalBioAssayTarget BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between BioAssayCreation and PhysicalBioAssay
The association between the BioAssayCreation event (typically Hybridization) and the PhysicalBioAssay and its annotation of this event.
PhysicalBioAssay BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between BioAssayTreatment and PhysicalBioAssay
The set of treatments undergone by this PhysicalBioAssay.
Target BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between BioAssayTreatment and PhysicalBioAssay
The PhysicalBioAssay that was treated.
PhysicalBioAssaySource BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between FeatureExtraction and PhysicalBioAssay
The PhysicalBioAssay used in the FeatureExtraction event.
MeasuredBioAssayTarget BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between FeatureExtraction and MeasuredBioAssay
The association between the MeasuredBioAssay and the FeatureExtraction Event.
PhysicalBioAssay2 BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..n association between PhysicalBioAssay and BioAssayTreatment
The set of treatments undergone by this PhysicalBioAssay.

Referenced By

Table Column
SequencePosition CompositeCompositeMap
SequencePosition ReporterCompositeMap
FeatureInformation FeatureReporterMap
BioAssayData ProducerTransformation
BioMaterialMeasurement Treatment
BioMaterialMeasurement BioAssayCreation
CompoundMeasurement Treatment_CompoundMeasurements
BioAssay FeatureExtraction
BioAssay BioAssayCreation
ParameterizableApplication BioEvent_ProtocolApplications
QuantTypeWIDQuantTypeMapWID QuantitationTypeMapWID
ComposSeqWIDRepoComposMapWID ReporterCompositeMapWID
ComposSeqWIDComposComposMapWID CompositeCompositeMapWID
ReporterWIDFeatureReporMapWID FeatureReporterMapWID
BioAssayMapWIDBioAssayWID BioAssayMapWID
BAssayMappingWIDBAssayMapWID BioAssayMapWID
DesnElMappingWIDDesnElMapWID DesignElementMapWID
QuantTypeMapWIDQuantTypeWID QuantitationTypeMapWID
QuantTyMapWIDQuantTyMapWI QuantitationTypeMapWID
TransformWIDBioAssayDataWID TransformationWID
DerivBioAssayWIDBioAssayMapWID BioAssayMapWID
ImageAcquisitionWIDImageWID ImageAcquisitionWID

Other Constraints



Name Columns
BioEvent1 DataSetWID
BioEvent2 MAGEClass
BioEvent3 Identifier
BioEvent4 Name
BioEvent5 CompositeSequence
BioEvent6 Reporter
BioEvent7 CompositeSequence2
BioEvent8 BioAssayMapTarget
BioEvent9 TargetQuantitationType
BioEvent10 DerivedBioAssayDataTarget
BioEvent11 QuantitationTypeMapping
BioEvent12 DesignElementMapping
BioEvent13 Transformation_BioAssayMapping
BioEvent14 BioMaterial_Treatments
BioEvent15 Order_
BioEvent16 Treatment_Action
BioEvent17 Treatment_ActionMeasurement
BioEvent18 Array_
BioEvent19 PhysicalBioAssayTarget
BioEvent20 PhysicalBioAssay
BioEvent21 Target
BioEvent22 PhysicalBioAssaySource
BioEvent23 MeasuredBioAssayTarget
BioEvent24 PhysicalBioAssay2