Table Index


Represents MAGE Class QuantitationType
A method for calculating a single datum of the matrix (e.g. raw intensity, background, error).
Includes MAGE Class SpecializedQuantitationType
Includes MAGE Class StandardQuantitationType
Includes MAGE Class ConfidenceIndicator
Includes MAGE Class DerivedSignal
Includes MAGE Class Error
Includes MAGE Class ExpectedValue
Includes MAGE Class Failed
Includes MAGE Class MeasuredSignal
Includes MAGE Class PValue
Includes MAGE Class PresentAbsent
Includes MAGE Class Ratio


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
WID BIGINT NUMBER No Warehouse identifier for this entity
DataSetWID BIGINT NUMBER No Reference to the data set from which the entity came from
MAGEClass VARCHAR VARCHAR2(100) No Discriminator column specifies type of object this row represents
Identifier VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Identifiable.identifier
An identifier is an unambiguous string that is unique within the scope (i.e. a document, a set of related documents, or a repository) of its use.
Name VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute
The potentially ambiguous common identifier.
IsBackground CHAR(1) CHAR(1) Yes MAGE attribute QuantitationType.isBackground
Indicates whether the quantitation has been measured from the background or from the feature itself.
Channel BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between QuantitationType and Channel
The optional channel associated with the QuantitationType.
QuantitationType_Scale BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..1 association between QuantitationType and OntologyEntry
Indication of how to interpret the value. From a suggested vocabulary of {LINEAR | LN | LOG2 |LOG10 | FOLD_CHANGE | OTHER}
QuantitationType_DataType BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..1 association between QuantitationType and OntologyEntry
The specific type for the quantitations. From a controlled vocabulary of {float, int, boolean, etc.}
TargetQuantitationType BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between ConfidenceIndicator and QuantitationType
The association between a ConfidenceIndicator and the QuantitationType its is an indicator for.

Referenced By

Table Column
QuantitationType TargetQuantitationType
BioEvent TargetQuantitationType
QuantitationTypeTuple QuantitationType
QuantTypeWIDConfidenceIndWID QuantitationTypeWID
QuantTypeWIDConfidenceIndWID ConfidenceIndicatorWID
QuantTypeWIDQuantTypeMapWID QuantitationTypeWID
QuantTypeDimensWIDQuantTypeWID QuantitationTypeWID
QuantTypeMapWIDQuantTypeWID QuantitationTypeWID

Other Constraints



Name Columns
QuantitationType1 DataSetWID
QuantitationType2 MAGEClass
QuantitationType3 Identifier
QuantitationType4 Name
QuantitationType5 IsBackground
QuantitationType6 Channel
QuantitationType7 QuantitationType_Scale
QuantitationType8 QuantitationType_DataType
QuantitationType9 TargetQuantitationType