Table Index


A term is a controlled vocabulary term used within a particular dataset.
E.g. the keyword attached to proteins in SwissProt. Terms can be arranged
in a hierarchy (see the TermRelationship table).


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
WID BIGINT NUMBER No Warehouse identifier for this term
Name VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) No Name for the term
Definition TEXT VARCHAR2(4000) Yes Definition of the term
Hierarchical CHAR(1) CHAR(1) Yes 'T' if term is part of a hierarchy of terms
Root CHAR(1) CHAR(1) Yes 'T' if this term is at the top of a hierarchy
Obsolete CHAR(1) CHAR(1) Yes 'T' if term is known to be obsolete
DataSetWID BIGINT NUMBER No WID of the dataset the pathway is from

Referenced By

Table Column
TermRelationship TermWID
TermRelationship RelatedTermWID
RelatedTerm TermWID
ArrayDesign SurfaceType
DesignElementGroup DesignElementGroup_Species
DesignElementGroup FeatureGroup_TechnologyType
DesignElementGroup FeatureGroup_FeatureShape
ExperimentalFactor ExperimentalFactor_Category
FactorValue FactorValue_Value
QuantitationType QuantitationType_Scale
QuantitationType QuantitationType_DataType
ArrayGroup ArrayGroup_SubstrateType
FeatureDefect FeatureDefect_DefectType
Fiducial Fiducial_FiducialType
ZoneDefect ZoneDefect_DefectType
DesignElement DesignElement_ControlType
DesignElement Reporter_WarningType
BioEvent Treatment_Action
BioAssay DerivedBioAssay_Type
Image Image_Format
NodeValue NodeValue_Type
NodeValue NodeValue_Scale
NodeValue NodeValue_DataType
Parameter Parameter_DataType
Parameterizable Hardware_Type
Parameterizable Protocol_Type
Parameterizable Software_Type
Entry OtherWID
RelatedTerm OtherWID
CitationWIDOtherWID OtherWID
CommentTable OtherWID
CrossReference OtherWID
CrossReference CrossWID
Description OtherWID
SynonymTable OtherWID
ToolAdvice OtherWID

Other Constraints



Name Columns