Table Index


Represents MAGE Class Contact
A contact is either a person or an organization.
Includes MAGE Class Organization
Includes MAGE Class Person


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
WID BIGINT NUMBER No Warehouse identifier for this entity
DataSetWID BIGINT NUMBER No Reference to the data set from which the entity came from
MAGEClass VARCHAR VARCHAR2(100) No Discriminator column specifies type of object this row represents
Identifier VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Identifiable.identifier
An identifier is an unambiguous string that is unique within the scope (i.e. a document, a set of related documents, or a repository) of its use.
Name VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute
The potentially ambiguous common identifier.
URI VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Contact.URI
Address VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Contact.address
Phone VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute
TollFreePhone VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Contact.tollFreePhone
Email VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute
Fax VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Contact.fax
Parent BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between Organization and Organization
The containing organization (the university or business which a lab belongs to, etc.)
LastName VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Person.lastName
FirstName VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Person.firstName
MidInitials VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Person.midInitials
Affiliation BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between Person and Organization
The organization a person belongs to.

Referenced By

Table Column
FlowCytometrySample ManufacturerWID
Experiment ContactWID
Contact Parent
Contact Affiliation
ArrayDesignWIDContactWID ContactWID
ExperimentWIDContactWID ContactWID
DatabaseWIDContactWID ContactWID
ArrayManufactureWIDContactWID ContactWID
BioSourceWIDContactWID ContactWID
HardwareWIDContactWID ContactWID
ProtocolApplWIDPersonWID PersonWID
SoftwareWIDContactWID ContactWID
RelatedTerm OtherWID
CitationWIDOtherWID OtherWID
CommentTable OtherWID
CrossReference OtherWID
CrossReference CrossWID
Description OtherWID
SynonymTable OtherWID
ToolAdvice OtherWID

Other Constraints



Name Columns
Contact1 DataSetWID
Contact2 MAGEClass
Contact3 Identifier
Contact4 Name
Contact5 URI
Contact6 Address
Contact7 Phone
Contact8 TollFreePhone
Contact9 Email
Contact10 Fax
Contact11 Parent
Contact12 LastName
Contact13 FirstName
Contact14 MidInitials
Contact15 Affiliation