Table Index


Represents MAGE Class Parameter
A Parameter is a replaceable value in a Parameterizable class. Examples of Parameters include: scanning wavelength, laser power, centrifuge speed, multiplicative errors, the number of input nodes to a SOM, and PCR temperatures.


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
WID BIGINT NUMBER No Warehouse identifier for this entity
DataSetWID BIGINT NUMBER No Reference to the data set from which the entity came from
Identifier VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Identifiable.identifier
An identifier is an unambiguous string that is unique within the scope (i.e. a document, a set of related documents, or a repository) of its use.
Name VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute
The potentially ambiguous common identifier.
Parameter_DefaultValue BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..1 association between Parameter and Measurement
Allows the optional specification of a default values and the unit for the Parameter
Parameter_DataType BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..1 association between Parameter and OntologyEntry
The type of data generated by the parameter i.e. Boolean, float, etc...
Parameterizable_ParameterTypes BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..n association between Parameterizable and Parameter
The description of the parameters for the Parameterizable class instance.

Referenced By

Table Column
ParameterValue ParameterType

Other Constraints



Name Columns
Parameter1 DataSetWID
Parameter2 Identifier
Parameter3 Name
Parameter4 Parameter_DefaultValue
Parameter5 Parameter_DataType
Parameter6 Parameterizable_ParameterTypes