Table Index


Represents MAGE Class Parameterizable
The Parameterizable interface encapsulates the association of Parameters with ParameterValues.
Includes MAGE Class Hardware
Includes MAGE Class Protocol
Includes MAGE Class Software


Column MySQL Type Oracle Type Nullable Description
WID BIGINT NUMBER No Warehouse identifier for this entity
DataSetWID BIGINT NUMBER No Reference to the data set from which the entity came from
MAGEClass VARCHAR VARCHAR2(100) No Discriminator column specifies type of object this row represents
Identifier VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Identifiable.identifier
An identifier is an unambiguous string that is unique within the scope (i.e. a document, a set of related documents, or a repository) of its use.
Name VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute
The potentially ambiguous common identifier.
URI VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Parameterizable.URI
Where an instantiated Parameterizable is located.
Model VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Hardware.model
The model (number) of a piece of hardware.
Make VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Hardware.make
The make of the Hardware (its manufacturer).
Hardware_Type BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..1 association between Hardware and OntologyEntry
The type of a piece of Hardware. Examples include: scanner, wash station...
Text VARCHAR VARCHAR2(1000) Yes MAGE attribute Protocol.text
The text description of the Protocol.
Title VARCHAR VARCHAR2(255) Yes MAGE attribute Protocol.title
The title of the Protocol
Protocol_Type BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..1 association between Protocol and OntologyEntry
The type of a Protocol, a user should provide/use a recommended vocabulary. Examples of types include: RNA extraction, array washing, etc...
Software_Type BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents 1..1 association between Software and OntologyEntry
The type of a piece of Software. Examples include: feature extractor...
Hardware BIGINT NUMBER Yes Represents n..1 association between Software and Hardware
Associates Hardware and Software together.

Referenced By

Table Column
Parameter Parameterizable_ParameterTypes
Parameterizable Hardware
ParameterizableApplication Hardware
ParameterizableApplication Protocol
ParameterizableApplication Software
HardwareWIDSoftwareWID HardwareWID
HardwareWIDSoftwareWID SoftwareWID
HardwareWIDContactWID HardwareWID
ProtocolWIDHardwareWID ProtocolWID
ProtocolWIDHardwareWID HardwareWID
ProtocolWIDSoftwareWID ProtocolWID
ProtocolWIDSoftwareWID SoftwareWID
SoftwareWIDSoftwareWID SoftwareWID1
SoftwareWIDSoftwareWID SoftwareWID2
SoftwareWIDContactWID SoftwareWID

Other Constraints



Name Columns
Parameterizable1 DataSetWID
Parameterizable2 MAGEClass
Parameterizable3 Identifier
Parameterizable4 Name
Parameterizable5 URI
Parameterizable6 Model
Parameterizable7 Make
Parameterizable8 Hardware_Type
Parameterizable9 Text
Parameterizable10 Title
Parameterizable11 Protocol_Type
Parameterizable12 Software_Type
Parameterizable13 Hardware